Monday, July 7, 2014

Hollis Leaving PRPD

PRPD's Office Manager, David Hollis, will be leaving the organization to take a job as Editor of the Trucker's News.  His last day with PRPD will be this Friday, July 11.   Hollis has worked for PRPD for nearly 8 years and his departure comes in anticipation of the transition to a new President and CEO as Arthur Cohen approaches retirement at the end of this year.

We're sorry to see David go, but glad that he has this new opportunity.  THANKS, David, for all you've given to PRPD and the public radio system!!!!!!


  1. That is so sad. Hollis has kept us informed about so much that was going on in the public radio business. He has been a pillar of the organization. We will miss him. Kathy

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  3. David, good luck in your new position. You've been a steady connection to the rest of us throughout your tenure at PRPD. Carl Watanabe

  4. Best of luck David! Enjoyed our conversations over the years.
